Examples of Java Lambda Expression based Comparator implementation to sort collections in ascending or descending order
Java Collections Tutorials
Java Collections is a framework that supports various data structures and related operations
Sort HashMap by Value or Key in Java
Learn different techniques of Sorting HashMap by value or by key using Plain Java, Java. Streams API, TreeSet, TreeMap, or ArrayList.
Merging two Maps in Java
Examples of using Java Streams and Java Maps merge() methods to merge or combine key and value pairs of two Maps in Java
Using Filter on Stream of Maps in Java
Different examples of using plain Java and Java Streams API to filter elements of a Java Map based on given condition
Converting Between Array of Primitives to Array of Objects
Learn converting between an array of primitives and array of wrapper objects – using iteration, java streams, or apache commons library
Examples of Conversion Between Array and List in Java
Examples showing ways to convert a Java List to an Array or A Java Array to a List using plain Java, Guava and Apache Commons Library