Java Persistence API Guide

This guide covers an overview of Java Persistence API (JPA). Why it was created, what are the highlights, and what are the major parts. Learn Entity, EntityManager, JPQL and Criteria.

Understanding Java 8 Streams API

This article helps Understanding Java 8 Streams API. Learn what are streams, how different they are from Collections, stream operations, behaviours with simple examples

JSR 310 Part 3 : Java 8 Date and Time API

Java 8 Date and Time API is modified. Learn about what has changed and how better it is compared to old API or Joda Time API. Explained in detailed with examples.

JSR 310 Part 2 : Joda Time API

Before we learn Java 8 Date and Time API, let’s have a looks at what is Joda Time API and how it is different than old date and time API. This will help us understand how better Java Date and Time API is.